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Partnership business idea, UI/UX & Branding design

Project Brief:

"If you were to have a business, what would it be?"

The first thing that came to my mind is to do something that I can enjoy the process of it. In this case, my hobby is dance and I have a friend who also likes to dance. Thus, we decided to do a partnership and have a business that is related to dance. 

Target Audience:

Children (aged 7 - 12 years old) and parents.


Research shows that dancers are getting younger especially due to the kpop influence. Thus, we thought of how these young dancers' parents need to bring them to dance practices.

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Heaven King is a 10 years old dancer who became popular as her dance video of Beyonce's "Never let you go" when she was 2 years old went viral. She was appeared in "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."

Dancing High is a dancing survival show where only teenagers (aged 13 - 19 years old) can participate.

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Na Haeun is an 11 years-old Korean dancer who became very popular as she does many kpop dance cover and had met many kpop artists. She even has an album "So Special" when she was 9 years old.

Problem faced:


No Current Solution in Singapore:
When kids did not have dance talent or afraid to join dance company, they would most likely quit for good because parents would either ask their kids to focus on studies or to let them try other hobbies (eg. Drawing). Besides, dance lessons are expensive in Singapore and it is not a popular hobby compared to other countries.

Dance prices:

On average, it is around $20/hr.

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Comparison of popular dance companies in Singapore and Overseas:

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Singapore dance companies

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Overseas dance companies

From this comparison, it can be seen that even the most popular dance company in Singapore is only about 8k while overseas dance companies have at least 100k followers. This is because overseas dance companies are not just well-known in their country but overseas as well.

Our objectives:

- To bring out kids' talent, confidence and boost their social skills while having fun.

- Parents to watch their kids dance while doing other activities.

- For both parents and kids to see how much their kids have grown and improved.



- Rent Actfa Dance Studio that is located inLittle India because it is the cheapest studio with all the necessary facilities.

- Start the lesson by doing warm-up and get to know the students.

- Teach them the dance choreograph that they came to learn. (Dance instructors needs to ensure that the students can follow).

- Wrap up the dance class by videoing the kids dancing to the choreography they learn that lesson.

- The video will then be uploaded into their account in our app service for viewing by the end of the day.

Lesson timings:

Tues, Wed and Fri

- 4 pm to 6 pm

- 7 pm to 9 pm

Sat and Sun:

- 10 am to 12 pm

- 1 pm to 3 pm

- 3 pm to 5 pm

We decided to have more lessons on the weekends instead because the students do not have school and thought that weekend lessons will be more popular. Also, we think that it would be good to ensure that our weekend lessons end earlier so that the students can spend their night time with their family.

Popular dance genre:

- Hip-hop

- Kpop 

There are many types of dance under Hip-hop and Kpop such as,

HipHop > popping, breakdance, jazz etc

Kpop > Girl crush, cute, sexy etc


We decided to focus on these 2 genres because it is the most popular type of dance among youngsters these days and there is a lot to learn just base on these 2 genres.


- 2 dance instructors as it may be difficult to conduct dance class at the start so we thought that it would be good to have another instructor to help with the lesson. But, subsequently, as the instructors gain more experience, there is no need for 2 instructors for one lesson.

- 1 admin to help with registration and answer questions from students or parents.

Dance lesson prices:

After much calculation, we decided to keep our lessons affordable at $10/h because we are still a start-up company. We may increase the price slightly if it became successful. 

App Service



Cardinal bird represents passion, youth and vitality. 

Spastic Nerfbag typeface because it is slightly comical yet a little edgy to it too.



Animation of a bird flying away as a loading page to make it more interactive and interesting for the viewers while waiting for it to load.

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Registeration form

Kristen font to make it look cute and child-friendly.

Polygon shapes to make it look slightly geometric.

Red represents energy while orange represents joy and sunshine.

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Merchandise, posters and name card to help further promote our company.
Dance instructors show a preview of the dance to attract more people especially self-choreography lessons.

For parents to watch their kids dance without needing to be there physically.

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Recorded videos:

To look back to see how much their child has grown and improved.


Lanyard and attire for dance instructors so that students will find them easier to approach.


Would you send your kids to our dance class?


- The majority (85.7%) has the impression that kids dance class are fun and enjoyable.

- The majority (71.4%) thinks that our app service is ideal for parents.

- Even though the majority (85.7%) does not send their kids for dance class due to lack of interest, they will still send their kids to try out our dance lesson.

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