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Synergy (A set of remote controller, OTT Box & UI/UX)

Project Brief:

"To have synergy between the remote controller, OTT Box and UI/UX for a smart TV in the near future"

Done in groups of 3. This project is a collaboration with Omni Remotes. This was the first time we touched on User Interface design.

Target Audience:

Family with kids aged 7 to 12 years old.


More design opportunity because we can target both parents and kids. 

Problem faced:

empathy map1.png

Buying an OTT box and remote controller.

empathy map2_using.png

Setting up OTT box and remote controller at home.

empathy map3_switching off.png

Switch off.

How might we

enable a seamless connection between the user and the product.

Current Solution:
Cause frustrations and anger.


Near- Future technology:

Since project brief stated that it is targetting the near-future, we decided to research on the latest technology.


- augmented reality 

- artificial intelligence 

- virtual reality 

- internet of things 

- wireless charging 

- automation

- li-fi

- crypto-anchors

- lattice cryptography

We decided to focus more on wireless charging and lifi because...
wireless charging is a common technology that many uses, so it is stable and able to gain users' trust and li-fi, is a new technology that will be taking over Wi-fi in the near future.

Image by Daniel Korpai

Wireless charging:

- also known as induction charging

- transferring energy via electromagnetic induction

- typically has to be close

- likely to become a standard part of smartphones in the near future


- light-fidelity technology.

- up to 100 times faster than Wi-Fi.

- uses light to transmit high-speed data instead of radio waves, unlike Wi-Fi.

- expected to take place in Singapore over the next few years, with the government already taking an interest in it.

- li-fi will most likely to complement Wi-Fi rather than replacing it.

lifi news2.png
lifi news1.png

Interior design

To know what design language direction to head for.

High end_interior_1.png
High end_interior_2.png

High-end market: luxurious and have art decorations.


Middle-range market: Minimalist, simple, clean and uses neutral tones.

We decided to target the middle range market so that it is more affordable and because minimal products are the current trend.

Our solution's objectives:

- Ease navigation for both kids and adults.


- Able to look for lost remote controller easily.


- Clean, simple and minimal design to suit the majority of user's interior.


- May consider allowing parents to control kids' time to spend on the tv.

Market research:

Understand the functions needed in our proudct and the rough price range to ensure that it is suitable for the middle-range market.

UI_market research2.png



Individual ideas and prototypes which was shared with my group mates, lecturers and clients for opinions.



After discussion with my group mates, we came up with the functions of the remote controller and 2 different forms of the OTT box so I went to render it to try the colour and material.


Initially wanted to use nylon material because the OTT box was supposed to be a speaker. However, we did not go ahead with this idea because of the input of magnets at the charging pad which will affect the speaker.


Test the proportion of the remote controller and OTT box.

I am in-charge of doing the children's User Interface.


Adult 's homepage:

Child's homepage:

- Cool colours were used to calm the user
- Clean, simple and minimal to suit with the OTT box and remote controller.

- I chose pink because initially I wanted to go for warm colours but it will be too much as a background colour so I chose pink as it is a paler shade of red.
- I tone down the background colour so that it does not hurt the eyes too much.
- I changed the icons to make it look more colourful and lively.

Child's movie page


- Comparing between the Oduda font, Century Gothic and Comic sans MS.

- Changed the background to see if it makes reading easier.


Changed the background pictures to see if the font and colour will suit all the different backgrounds.

Finalised Design:
Mizu is known as water in Japanese. We were inspired by the ability of water that helps to calm people which is what we are aiming for.

RC functions_2.png
RC functions_on-off.png

Remote controller's functions.

RC functions.png

Remote controller's user guide

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RC functions_fingerrest.png

Remote controller's ergonomics details.

RC functions_2.png

OTT box functions.


OTT box details.

User journey:




Remove the remote controller from the OTT box to turn on TV.

adult wlc pg.PNG
adult home pg.PNG

Adult's welcome page (left) and home screen (right).

kids wlc pg.PNG
kids home pg.PNG

Children's welcome page (left) and home screen (right).


Place the remote controller back to the OTT box to turn off the TV.


Wave in front of the OTT box to locate your missing remote controller.

It resembles the ON/OFF symbol to remind and encourage users to place the remote back to the OTT box.



To test the ergonomics of the remote controller and proportion of the remote controller and OTT box.

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